Below you will find some tips for using Slack as well as some code of conduct guidelines that you must follow in this workspace.


New user tips


To identify yourself more clearly to the community, click Edit Profile to change your display name and add more information about yourself.

If you haven’t used Slack before you might find it a little noisy at first if you leave all your notifications on! You can change how many notifications you receive in the Preferences pane.

A lot of useful information is pinned to channels. Make sure to check those out when joining a new channel. 

The Slack user guide will probably answer any question you have about more complex functionality of the workspace.




We have created different channels related to specific discussion topics. Please post in the relevant channel or if it doesn’t fit you can always use #general channel.   

If you feel a new channel is needed please direct message @QuoVadis Coordinator and in the request include some details regarding the purpose of the channel. Note that channel names must be 21 characters or less in length (Slack limit). After you submit your request the workspace admins will review and follow-up with any questions if necessary. Once it is approved, the channel will be created. 


Best Practices 


Please try to make use of threads where appropriate to focus discussion and make it more easy to follow. Members can then choose to read threads on a particular topic rather than multiple conversations becoming mixed in a channel. 

Please do not use the feature “Also send to channel” as this causes the channel to become more noisy.

@all, @here, and @channel should be used rarely since many workspace members will receive notifications from these commands. 

If you have a lot of information you need to share about a topic, don’t write it all into a channel. Use the post feature in Slack to help keep the channel clean and organised.

Please don’t post a lot of large attachments to Slack. Delete attachments when they are no longer needed (for example if you have posted multiple versions of the same file).


Code of Conduct


We want to ensure that this workspace is a safe and inclusive space for everyone. Please follow the ESWC Code of Conduct at all times. Direct message @QuoVadis Coordinator if you want to bring anything inappropriate in the workspace to their attention and admins will take appropriate action based on the Code of Conduct guidelines.